Over the course of the term we will slowly populate this schedule with slides, readings, and activities. These pages are mirrored from the course GitHub repository to a GitHub page using a submodule. For helpful links, refer back to the course home page.
You can find procedures for presenting a paper on Ed Discussion in this document.
Those who are not presenting must post a response to all reading threads on Ed Discussion for before midnight on Tuesday. See more here.
As you may be unfamiliar with reading and working with academic papers, here are some different perspectives on how to read them.
We will engage in a number of different classroom activities throughout the term. Please refer to this legend:
Lecture: | Discussion: | Design activity: | Critique: |
Week 1 | Introduction | |||||
22-Jan | Course Introduction | Intro Survey | Slides | |||
25.Jan | d3 quick refresh | Prompt | Notes | Recording | ||
Week 2 | Getting started | |||||
27-Jan | Server setup | Prompt | Repo | Recording | ||
HW1 assigned on CMS | ||||||
29-Jan | Introductory Framing | File: | ||||
Tufte, Edward. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Chapters 1 & 2 (no discussion posts) |
Link 1, 2 | |||||
31-Jan | Critique some visualizations | Instructions | ||||
Week 3 | Interactions | |||||
3-Feb | d3 Interactions | Prompt | Notes | Recording (Bonus) |
5-Feb | Visualization interactions | File: | ||||
Heer, J. & Schneiderman, B. Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis. 2012. | Link | |||||
Yi JS, ah Kang Y, Stasko J, Jacko JA. Toward a deeper understanding of the role of interaction in information visualization. 2007. | Link | |||||
6-Feb | HW1 due at 11:59pm EST | |||||
7-Feb | HW1 critique | Instructions | All project links | |||
Week 4 | Direct Manipulation & Linked Views (Multivariate) | |||||
10-Feb | SPLOM + Responsiveness | |||||
HW2 assigned on CMS | ||||||
12-Feb | Founding Papers | File: | ||||
Ahlberg C, Shneiderman B. Visual information seeking using the filmfinder. 1994. | Link | |||||
Spence R, Tweedie L. The Attribute Explorer: information synthesis via exploration. 1998. | Link | |||||
14-Feb | Film Finder v2 | |||||
Week 5 | Overview + Detail (Navigation) | |||||
17-Feb | No Class (Feb. Break) | |||||
19-Feb | Navigating visualizations | File: | ||||
Shneiderman Ben. The eyes have it: A task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations. 1996. | Link | |||||
Bederson BB, Hollan JD. Pad++ a zooming graphical interface for exploring alternate interface physics. 1994. | Link | |||||
21-Feb | HW2 critique | |||||
HW2 due at 11:59pm EST | ||||||
Week 6 | Focus + Context (Networks) | |||||
25.Feb | O+D in a plot | |||||
26-Feb | Distorsion & DOI | File: | ||||
Lamping J, Rao R, Pirolli P. A focus+context technique based on hyperbolic geometry for visualizing large hierarchies. 1995. | Link | |||||
van Ham F, Perer A. “Search, Show Context, Expand on Demand”: Supporting Large Graph Exploration with Degree-of-Interest. 2009. | Link | |||||
HW3 assigned on CMS | ||||||
28-Feb | Geo+Network Activity | |||||
Week 7 | Perception & Cognition | |||||
3-Mar | F+C using DOI functions | |||||
5-Mar | P&C overview | File: | ||||
Ware, Colin. Information Visualization: Perception for Design. Chapter 5 | Link | |||||
7-Mar | HW3 critique | |||||
HW3 due at 11:59pm EST | ||||||
Week 8 | Color | |||||
10-Mar | Color survey deployment | |||||
HW4 assigned on CMS | ||||||
12-Mar | Color studies | File: | ||||
Heer, J. & Stone. Color Naming Models for Color Selection, Image Editing and Palette Design. 2012. | Link | |||||
Liu Y, Heer J. Somewhere over the rainbow: An empirical assessment of quantitative colormaps. 2018. | Link | |||||
14-Mar | Visualizing color survey data | |||||
Week 9 | Multi-touch & Mobile | |||||
17-Mar | Event & gesture reading | |||||
19-Mar | NUIs | File: | ||||
Lee B, Isenberg P, Riche NH, Carpendale S. Beyond mouse and keyboard: Expanding design considerations for information visualization interactions. 2012. | Link | |||||
Rzeszotarski JM, Kittur A. Kinetica: naturalistic multi-touch data visualization. 2014. | Link | |||||
21-Mar | Post-WIMP Film Finder | |||||
Week 10 | Animation | |||||
25.Mar | HW4 critique | |||||
HW4 due at 11:59pm EDT | ||||||
26-Mar | Principles of animation | File: | ||||
Lasseter J. Principles of traditional animation applied to 3D computer animation. 1987. | Link | |||||
Robertson G, Fernandez R, Fisher D, Lee B, Stasko J. Effectiveness of animation in trend visualization. 2008. | Link | |||||
Project assigned on CMS | ||||||
28-Mar | Custom animation transitions | |||||
Week 10.5 | Spring break | |||||
Week 11 | Tortured by Text | |||||
7-Apr | Visualizing text | |||||
9-Apr | Text is challenging | File: | ||||
Choudhury et al. Once Upon A Time In Visualization: Understanding the Use of Textual Narratives for Causality. 2021 | Link | |||||
Chang et al. RecipeScape: An Interactive Tool for Analyzing Cooking Instructions at Scale. 2018. | Link | |||||
11-Apr | Milestone feedback/critique | |||||
Project milestone due at 11:59pm EST | ||||||
Week 12 | Expertise & Personalization | |||||
14-Apr | "Who critiques the critiquer" Activity | |||||
16-Apr | Novices | File: | ||||
Lee S, Kim SH, Hung YH, Lam H, Kang YA, Yi JS. How do people make sense of unfamiliar visualizations?: A grounded model of novice's information visualization sensemaking. 2015. | Link | |||||
Lee et al. Shared Surfaces and Spaces: Collaborative Data Visualisation in a Co-located Immersive Environment. 2021 | Link | |||||
18-Apr | Social sharing & collaboration (slides) | |||||
Week 13 | Visualizations and ML | |||||
21-Apr | Sonification | |||||
23-Apr | ML Visualization Systems | File: | ||||
Shen et al. Towards Natural Language Interfaces for Data Visualization: A Survey. 2023. | Link | |||||
Kang, H. B., Wu, T., Chang, J. C., & Kittur, A. Synergi: A Mixed-Initiative System for Scholarly Synthesis and Sensemaking. 2023 | Link | |||||
25-Apr | Milestone feedback/critique | |||||
Project milestone due at 11:59pm EST | ||||||
Week 14 | Accessible Visualizations | |||||
28-Apr | Playing with ML and Vis | |||||
30-Apr | Accessibility Projects | File: | ||||
Sharif, A., Chintalapati, S. S., Wobbrock, J. O., & Reinecke, K. Understanding Screen-Reader Users' Experiences with Online Data Visualizations. 2021. | Link | |||||
Jung et al. Communicating Visualizations without Visuals: Investigation of Visualization Alternative Text for People with Visual Impairments. 2021. | Link | |||||
2-May | Project demos and critique | |||||
Week 15 | Demonstrations | |||||
5-May | Project demos and critique | |||||
Final Project Submission | ||||||
TBD | Due @ TBD (see Registrar) |